In The Sheets: Audio Series

Jump into the sheets of your business with Lou as she uncovers, discusses, shares, and teaches all things money and the energetics of money within your business.

Here are just a few of the topics covered in the trainings:

  • clients & money
  • your money behaviors
  • paying your first
  • where to invest next
  • why you don't have the money you think you should have
  • wonky energy when the bank account runs dry
  • taking on unaligned clients
  • what to do when there is more month than money
  • building a business with not a lot of money to invest
  • conflicting money beliefs
  • your energy when selling

... and so much more!

This was a live portal with over 180 registrants. A portal that was meant to be two days in length and ended up being 5-days in total. 

Here are just a few of the takeaways from those who participated:

$9.99 USD