$55.00 USD

Your Money Zone

It's time to stop spinning your wheels, and trying to figure out how to make money in your business!
Are ya done throwing spaghetti?? 
In the last 15 years, I have worked with over 3,500 entrepreneurs in helping them discover their money zone - the area of their lives where they are massively successful, smart, and witty. The zone in which they can share their wealth of knowledge for hours and hours. 
What I have found is that many entrepreneurs are searching for what they already have, they just don't know that they have it... or why else would they be searching? 
You are searching because you think that there is a better, faster, and more lucrative idea to build your business...  but you already have everything you need... I promise you!
In this masterclass, I am going to share with you how to easily tap into your money zone, and show you how YOU ARE THE SECRET SAUCE that you have been searching for. 
During this training, you will receive what you need to uncover your secret sauce, and begin building your business success from your money zone... and stop trying to throw spaghetti at a wall to see what offers may or may not work! 
March 26, 2024, is when we dive deep into your sauce! You will have the replay & lifetime access to this training via a podcast feed & Kajabi.
If you are seriously ready to build your wealth & business, from a place of ease and excitement, The $ Zone is where it's at!
I hope to see you inside The $ Zone!