$111.00 USD


Your business is not growing as you want it to because you don't know how to move past the moments that get you stuck.

You find the momentum, operate in that energy, see results, and then shrink back into the "why is this not working" energy. The wobble is now reflected in your energy and your income.

You have high moments and then find yourself in low moments. The high feels amazing, and your sales prove this to be true. The low moments see you losing steam in your business.

A day, week, or even a month is the LFG energy that proves to work and has you feeling good. Followed by a day, week, or even a month of shitty energy that slows down your growth and your business.

You go all in, feeling you can conquer the world.

Followed by a spell of "WTF am I even doing this for?".

You are wanting:

Regulated energy of excitement and drive in your business, daily
To operate your business with true happiness
Consistent sales growth, no matter what
To be so dedicated to your business that you are all in, all the time, no matter what
People to see you for the leader, business owner, and rockstar you are, to have people DM'ing you to work with you


The Drive, Determination, and Dedication make it all happen. No matter what.

You want to grow your business continually, serve more clients, make a lot of money, and do all this in play and happiness. 

This is what we are doing in DDD10x.

DDD10x is a three-part training where you will plug into and learn what it takes to grow a successful business in the energy of happiness. This will level up you and your business quickly, and you will learn from me how to always operate your business in the DDD10x energy, no matter what.


DDD10x is for you if:

💎You want to sell from play and not from pressure
💎You want to jump out of bed excited to run into your business
💎You want to create income from a place of ease and fun
💎You want to build a business that is more than trying to hit a sales number every month

This training is delivered in video format, and we have uploaded it to a podcast feed so that you can have me, your cheerleader, in your ear anytime, anywhere.